杜海姆川菜馆 Happy China


地址:2505 Durham Chapel Hill Blvd Durham, NC 27707 (查看地图)

电话:(919) 237-2021

营业:Mon-Thu 11 am - 10 pm Fri-Sat 11 am - 11 pm Sun 12 pm - 10 pm

网址: 去看看官方网站

一家非常不错的中餐馆,环境优雅,以川菜为主,菜的味道有些近美式化,但是还不错。"Welcome to HAPPY CHINA SICHUAN CUISINE." This is how you are greeted when you come into our welcoming, caring, high-energy restaurant, and we promise to do whatever it takes to serve high-quality Chinse food to every guest consistently. Welcome! We are glad you are here.