大排档 Dai Bai Dang Restaurant


地址:7736 N Blackstone Ave Fresno, CA 93720 (查看地图)

电话:(559) 448-8894

价格: Price range $11-30

网址: 去看看官方网站

非常不错的一家中餐馆,做菜很讲究,味道好。ai Bai Dang (pronounced Dye-By-Dang) refers to a casual, open-air, Asian dining experience. The Dai Bai Dang Asian food vendors - traditionally found near the villiage market place - offer a flavorful blend of delicious Asian foods, skillfully prepared in fire breathing woks. Today's Dai Bai Dang is best defined by our creative, exceptional flavors, unparalleled customer service and a fire show you won't soon forget! The Dai Bai Dang dining experience will take your taste buds on an unforgettable journey. Our chefs prepare a wide variety of delectable creations featuring creatively fresh and distinct flavors from across all of Asia.