日内瓦商学院 Geneva Business School

地址:de, La Voie-Creuse 16, 1202 Genève (查看地图)

电话: +41 22 906 94 94

网址: 去看看官方网站

日内瓦商学院,简称, 落座于宁静美丽并且闻名遐迩的国际化大都市—日内瓦。它是一所提供金融和工商管理系学士、硕士以及工商管理博士学位的英语授课私立大学。GBS的学校校园和代表处位于在瑞士,西班牙, 哈萨克斯坦,俄罗斯,阿拉伯联合酋长国, 沙特阿拉伯,美国和中国。

In 1995, the establishment of the Institut de Formation en Gestion du Patrimoine (IFGP), marks the origin of GBS. Today, IFGP continues to provide instruction to local Swiss private bankers. Geneva Business School (GBS) has developed into a leader in Swiss business education with a purpose to educate future business leaders. With an international approach and passion for excellence in business, our goal here at GBS is to help students develop their full intellectual potential, build connections within real business and become future leaders.