美国俚语学习(p 字母开头)

cuclife.com - 03-27

pad place to live Have you found a pad yet?
paper pushers bureaucratic office workers My office is filled with paper pushers.
party have fun I really want to party with you tonight.
party animal someone who loves parties My friend is a party animal.
paws hands Get your paws off of my homework.
peanuts practically no money I am not going to work for peanuts.
pee urinate I really have to pee.
pickled intoxicated He gets pickled after only one beer.
pig eats too much He is a pig at parties.
pig out eat a lot Let's go to the restaurant and pig out.
piss urinate I really have to piss.
pissed off angry She got really pissed off at him.
pit stop stop and go to the bathroom Let's make a pit stop at the next rest area.
plastered intoxicated He drinks too much and is always plastered.
plastic credit card Maybe it is better to use plastic to pay for the classes.
poop excrement Try not to step on the poop.
poop information I think that she has the poop about the new office.
poop out get tired and quit He tends to poop out after about an hour.
pop hit Shut up or I will pop you.
pot toilet You have been sitting on the pot for thirty minutes.
pot marijuana Lots of students smoke pot in the dormitory.
pro professional He is really a pro at his work.
prod reminder Can you give me a gentle prod next week so I won't forget?
psycho mentally ill person She is a psycho and should be in a mental institution.
puke vomit I feel like I am going to puke.
puss face She hit him on the puss.
pussy coward You are acting like such a pussy