爱达荷州议会大厦(Idaho State Capitol)

cuclife.cn - 06-17

爱达荷州议会大厦(Idaho State Capitol)是美国爱达荷州议会的开会地点,位于爱达荷州首府博伊西。爱达荷州议会大厦是全美所有州议会大厦唯一一个使用地热作为供暖装置的议会大厦。

 爱达荷州议会大厦(Idaho State Capitol)

The Capitol Curation Program is the product of a partnership between the Idaho State Historical Society (ISHS) and Idaho Capitol Commission. The Capitol Curator preserves and promotes the historic character of Idaho’s statehouse and manages a collection of over 1,000 artifacts and historic furnishings connected to the Idaho State Capitol. Through permanent and temporary exhibits within the capitol, the program provides context for this iconic monument and the place of government in the lives of Idahoans.

Make your visit to the Idaho State Capitol more meaningful with Idaho Landscapes: Temple of Light. This special edition of the Idaho State Historical Society’s publication series guides you through the capitol’s construction, history, and 21st century restoration. The booklet is available in the Idaho State Capitol Gift Shop.

地址:700 West Jefferson Street in Boise