
Seasons 52

非常棒的海鲜连锁餐厅,来这里主要就吃吃扇贝宴,各种扇贝的做法,体会别样的海鲜风味。Price range $11-25

类别:西餐精选 ☆☆☆☆*

Safe Harbor Seafood Market and Restaurant

Safe Harbor Seafood Market and Restaurant catches and prepares fresh, local seafood daily. Our casual atmosphere and breathtaking views offer one of a kind dining, which is why we were recently recognized as the Best Seafood in Jacksonville, Florida Price range $11-25

类别:西餐精选 ☆☆☆☆*

The Blue Fish Restaurant And Oyster Bar

杰克逊维尔地区非常好的一家海鲜餐馆,这里的生蚝很好,另外牛排煎制的特别棒,十分受当地顾客的欢迎。Price range $11-25

类别:西餐精选 ☆☆☆☆*