
山河市華人宣道會 San Jose Christian Alliance Church

Jesus came to restore us to a life of wholeness and fruitfulness. We believe that this is the mission of His Church. The gift of salvation promises not mere escape from suffering and judgment, but also an abundant life that leads to fruitfulness. A p

类别:华商列表 -- 华人教会 ☆☆☆☆*

聖荷西基督徒會堂 Chinese Church in Christ - San Jose

We invite you to join our spiritual family at CCIC, where we seek to grow closer to God through Biblical teaching, prayer, and fellowship, all springing out of Christian love and grace. We want to know Christ and make Him known. Our Sundays consist o

类别:华商列表 -- 华人教会 ☆☆☆☆*

聖荷西中華歸主教會 Chinese For Christ Church of San Jose

我們的教堂座落於加州灣區的聖荷西巿,位於Cupertino, Saratoga, Campbell, Santa Clara幾個城巿的中心點。我們主要的語言是華語及美語。教會於一九七四年正式成立,現是一所三百多人的教會並持續

类别:华商列表 -- 华人教会 ☆☆☆☆*